Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us. (KJV)
Because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven. (NIV)
Because of the tender mercy of our God, with which the Sunrise from on high will visit us. (NASB)
–Luke 1:78

This was the only sign we made with three different translations of the same name of God. We originally planned to hang only "Dayspring" on the bedsprings, but then worried the kids might think Dayspring referred to a mattress company. The end result presents all three translations.

We discovered a new technique on Pinterest: printing reverse letters on waxed paper and then transferring the printout to the sign surface. It worked beautifully, but we did learn a few things along the way.

Thoughts on this technique:
- We transferred waxed paper printouts to a variety of surfaces: glass, burlap, wood, painted wood, stone and metal
- The more porous the surface, the more ink it absorbs, so if you want a lighter transfer, allow the waxed paper printout to air dry slightly before transferring
- For non-porous surfaces, such as glass and painted wood, the air-drying step is essential; without allowing the ink to slightly "set" on the waxed paper, the transfer smudges and develops smudges and bubbles
- Brushing polyurethane coating over the ink wasn't a good idea - it smeared
- Spraying the transfer with a clear coat is highly recommended, especially if you don't want your 5-year-old to smudge the transfer (the smudge occurred nearly a week after the transfer, so I learned my lesson quickly).

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