But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.  –John 14:26

I embroidered 'Holy Spirit' on a screen door, using crochet yarn (that's something I don't say every day). I truly enjoyed making this sign, both because I like to embroider–but who really uses embroidered doilies or napkins–and because it was the only sign I could make while watching TV and relaxing with my family.

To make the sign, I first propped the screen door on the basement deep-freeze and took a photo.
This is, of course after I took a shower with it (another thing you don't say every day) to remove the dirt, grime, mud dauber nests and clumps of cobwebs.

I cropped the photo in Photoshop, added a text layer, and started experimenting with fonts and colors. This one received the final vote.  

After I chose a font, I switched to Illustrator and set my artboard dimensions to match the size of the sign. With the artboard at actual dimensions, I lay out the text and size it to fit the sign. Fortunately, these letters fit on an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper and didn't require me to piece them together after printing.

I taped the printed letters on the back side of the screen door, which might have been easy if the screen hadn't been so warped and bendy. It was challenging to find a straight line. It's also not easy to stick the letters on straight from the front (my arms aren't that long). With the letters in place, I traced the outlines with colored chalk and removed the annoying paper. 

I propped the door in a corner of the living room and worked on it off and on for about two months. The finished result is one of the more colorful signs in the room!

1 comment:

  1. You neglected to mention bringing the screen door to the kid's choir practice, so you could hang with the crafting moms! :)
