So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" –Hebrews 13:6

This beautiful antique washboard was a donated item, but I wanted to find a way to use it without destroying the piece. I fashioned the letters out of soldering wire. It's amazingly easy to work with, because it bends and smooths fluidly yet holds it shape well.

First, I printed the lettering in the desired font and size. I laid the printout on a scrap board, and hammered in nails at the key bends and wrap points of the letters.

This is how it looked after I placed the wire. You can see I used the nails just as guides–not necessarily as wrap points.

A quick spray-paint with Massey-Ferguson tractor red, and we have another name of God!

Of course, as Dave Ahlstedt (Wendy's husband) immediately pointed out, we could have just used red Twizzler candy and it would have been a lot faster.

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