This is what God the Lord says—
the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out,
    who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it,
    who gives breath to its people,
    and life to those who walk on it.  –Isaiah 42:5

Sometimes the plan for a sign started out very clear and detailed, and sometimes the plan was a vague, hand-waving, let's-do-something-with-that-cool-metal-curvy-thing.

We decided to put Creator on this interesting blue scroll-like piece of iron. On a separate salvage trip, we think we identified the metal piece as a decorative insert in an iron column for a front porch.

We made this sign using purchased wooden letters, which my niece Lizzie aged by sanding and staining. The next step was to glue the wood letters to a thin strip of wood that served to connect the pieces and provide a wider point of contact for gluing the wooden letters to the metal bracket.

Unfortunately, the result was still a little stark and I wasn't completely satisfied. Because I'm the type of Mom who periodically used to tear up my childrens' crafts so I could assemble them "better", I was able to quash any guilt about gluing items over the surface of the letters.

My intent was to achieve a "layers of the earth" type of look with the different textures and colors. The layers are:
- white pebbles
- brown beach glass and brown and reddish stones with a few small seashells
- gray and green stones and glass
- preserved florist moss
- more tiny seashells
- beach glass in blue, white and pale green, mixed with a few blue and green tumbled glass pebbles.

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