Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
–Hebrews 12:2 KJV

We used a vintage color and reverse-stenciling technique on this vintage metal sign. It originally arrived as a unique DX Motor Oil sign.

I didn't take any photos of the sign before we painted it, and it's now bolted to the wall so the backside isn't available, so I found this photo online. Our sign was much more battered and rusty.

My sister-in-law Angela cut out the letters on her Cricut. She glued the letters to the sign using Rubber Cement. I haven't used that glue in decades, and it smelled just like I remembered. You can still ball it up on your fingertips and make little glue boogies...but, I digress.

After she glued the letters to the sign, we applied a few coats of melon-colored acrylic paint. After the paint dried, Angela and my niece, Lizzie, peeled the letters carefully off the sign. It wasn't a perfect process, and we had to touch up the paint slightly after the letters were removed. 

A quick rub to remove the rubber cement, a spray of clear acrylic, and we have a beautiful vintage metal sign.

Here's a picture of Wendy diligently touching up the letters on the sign. I like that she keeps the bolt cutters close at hand. Just in case...

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